I have a bunch of nieces and nephews and it always cracks me up when they get siblings. The older kids who until very recently (like the day the baby is born) have always been the baby in my eyes are all of a sudden like these incredibly smart giants who know everything. They know how to walk and talk and can eat their own food and are counting and (this is my favorite part) they talk baby talk to their new siblings. I just love watching a 1.5 year old cooing to a baby. Hilarious.
So this book just speaks to me. It's all about a 6 year old who is teaching her baby sibling (never really specifies a boy or girl) how to be a baby. In reality, she's really going on and on about how great she is and how it's really boring to be a baby, but I just see so many traits of my nieces and nephews! My niece Abigail is vain about her hair (just like I was when I was in Kindergarten) and so is the Big Sister in this book. The baby in the book gets dressed up in all kinds of outrageous outfits reminding me of my nephew Matthew when he was a baby (I just know I put some doll clothes on him at one time or another). And don't even get me started on the nick-names. Till next time! -Suzanne